
[9] 形容詞 11. 数式の読み方


[9] 形容詞  11. 数式の読み方

11. 数式の読み方 

11.1 加減乗除 

11.1.1  イコール 

11.1.2 足し算 

11.1.3 引き算 

11.1.4 掛け算 

11.1.5 割り算 

11.2 累乗・累乗根 

11.2.1 累乗 

11.2.2 累乗根 


11. 数式の読み方

11.1 加減乗除

11.1.1  イコール

    Equal(s) 動詞

    Be equal to 形容詞

11.1.2 足し算

    4 + 10 = 14 Four plus ten equals fourteen. (正式)

Four and ten [ is, make( s ) ] fourteen.

11.1.3 引き算

10 – 3 =7 Ten minus three equals seven.(正式)

Three from [ out of ] ten leaves [ is ] seven.

11.1.4 掛け算

3 × 6 = 18Three multiplied by six makes eighteen. (正式)

Six times three are ( is ) eighteen.

11.1.5 割り算

6÷ 2 = 3 Six divided by two gives three.(正式)

 Two goes into six three times.


11.2 累乗・累乗根

11.2.1 累乗

42= 16 Four squared [The square of four ] is sixteen. 

2 3= 8 Two cubed [ The cube of two ] is eight.

 Two to the power of three [ The third power of two ] is eight.

11.2.2 累乗根

√4 = 2 The square root of four is two.

3√27 = 3 The cube root of twenty-seven is three.

