9. 関係副詞when, where, how, that
9.1 when = in (on, at) which [書]
9.2 where = in (on, at) which 【ナチュラル】
9.3 why = for which 【書】
9.4 how = the way = the way in which ×the way how⇒howの先行詞はない 【ナチュラル】
9.5 that 【ナチュラル】
9.6 関係副詞限定用法の省略 31
9.6.1 関係副詞の省略 【ナチュラル】
9.6.2 先行詞の省略(名詞節) 【ナチュラル】
9.6.3 先行詞の省略(副詞節)= 接続詞になる 【ナチュラル】
9.7 関係副詞の非制限(継続)用法 [when, whereのみ]
9.7.1 継続用法のwhenは、and then「そしてその時」に置き換えられる 【堅】
9.7.2 継続用法のwhere、and there「そしてそこで」に置き換えられる [書]
9.8 関係副詞節が後置されることがある [堅]
9. 関係詞Ⅸ(関係副詞when, where, how, that)
先行詞the cityと関係代名詞which
① the city + I visited it [=the city] 街+私がそこを訪れた。
② the city which I visited 私が訪れた→街 [whichはvisitedの目的語]
[先行詞] 形容詞節
先行詞the cityと関係副詞where
① the city + I live there [=in it] 街+そこに[その中に]私が住む
② the city where I live 私が住む→街 [whereはliveを修飾する副詞]
[先行詞] 形容詞節
関係副詞 先行詞の種類
when 時を表す語 :time, day, year, etc.
where 場所を表す語 :place, city, house, case, etc.
why 理由を表す語 :reason
how 方法を表す語 :way
※関係副詞 howは意味上 the way を先行詞にするが、the way how という表現は不可。
9.1 when = in (on, at) which [書]
Monday is the day. + Everybody feels blue on that day.
Monday is the day.
Everybody feels blue on that day
on which everybody feels blue
Monday is the day on which everybody feels blue.
Monday is the day when everybody feels blue. 月曜日は皆が憂うつになる日です。
the year when the war broke out. = the year in which the war broke out 戦争が起きた年
the time when I wake up = the time at which I wake up 私の起きる時間
9.2 where = in (on, at) which 【ナチュラル】
This is the house. + I was born in this house.
This is the house.
I was born in this house.
in which I was born
This is the house in which I was born.
This is the house where I was born. これは私が生まれた家です。
※ whereがくる他の意外な先行詞 the case, the situation, 【ナチュラル】
This is the case. + This rule doesn’t hold good in this case.
This is the case.
This rule doesn’t hold good in this case.
in which this rule doesn’t hold good
This is a case in which this rule doesn’t hold good.
This is a case where this rule doesn’t hold good.
その他の例:This is a situation where cultural differences make people confused.
9.3 why = for which 【書】
Tell me the reason. + You have done so for that reason.
Tell me the reason.
You have done so for that reason.
for which you have done so
Tell me the reason for which you have done so.
Tell me the reason why you have done so. あなたがそうした理由を私に教えて。
9.4 how = the way = the way in which ×the way how⇒howの先行詞はない 【ナチュラル】
This is the way. + I solved the problem in this way.
This is the way.
I solved the problem in this way.
in which I solved the problem
This is the way in which I solved the problem.
This is how I solved the problem. これが私がその問題を解いた方法です。
This is the way I solved the problem.
※This is the way that I solved the problem. は可。
It was strange the way she said it. = It was strange how she said it.
I don’t like the way she smiles. = I don't like how she smiles. 私は彼女の笑い方が気にくわない。
No one can understand the way(=how much) I miss her.
This is the way it happened. = This is how it happened. このようにしてそれは起こった。
※the way が接続詞として「副詞節」を作ることがある。「~のように」= as
She sang the way I did. = She sang as I did. 彼女は私の歌うとおりに歌った。
The way I heard it, the island was owned by a foreigner. = As I heard it,
9.5 that 【ナチュラル】
関係副詞のthatは関係副詞when, where, why, howの代わりに用いられるが、実際にはthatは省略されることが多い。
His father died on the day that [=when] he was born. 彼の父は、彼が生まれた日に死んだ。
9.6 関係副詞限定用法の省略
9.6.1 関係副詞の省略 【ナチュラル】
when, whyはしばしば、whereはまれ、thatは通例省略される。
It was the day ∧ I was born. [whenあるいはthatの省略] 私の生まれた日でした。
I can’t remember the place ∧ we last met. [whereあるいはthatの省略]
This is the reason ∧ I love him. [whyあるいはthatの省略]
9.6.2 先行詞の省略(名詞節) 【ナチュラル】
I know where he is living now. 彼が今住んでいるところを知っている。
This is why I hate him. これが、私が彼を嫌う理由だ→こういうわけで、私は彼が嫌いだ。
This is how they got over a lot of crises. これが、彼らが多くの危機を乗りきった方法です
You think he is a fool. That is where you are mistaken.
9.6.3 先行詞の省略(副詞節)= 接続詞になる 【ナチュラル】
関係副詞 = [前置詞+先行詞+関係代名詞/関係副詞]と考える。
Go where [=to the place that] you like best. 君の一番好きな所へ行きなさい。
I found this key where [=in the place where] I found my hat.
Ask me when [at the time that] you want money.
9.7 関係副詞の非制限(継続)用法 [when, whereのみ]
9.7.1 継続用法のwhenは、and then「そしてその時」に置き換えられる 【堅】
In 1914, when my grandfather was born, the First World War broke out.
=In 1914, and then my grandfather was born, …
He stayed in Tokyo till Monday, when he left for Kyoto.
= He stayed in Tokyo till Monday, and then he left for Kyoto.
☆ 関係副詞whenと接続詞whenの違い
She showed no signs of emotion, until she reached home, when she burst into tears.
She showed no signs of emotion until she reached home at 8 o’clock, when she burst into tears.
上記文は、whenの先行詞 8 o’clockがあるから関係副詞と考えられる。
9.7.2 継続用法のwhere、and there「そしてそこで」に置き換えられる [書]
He went to Tokyo, where he stayed for a week.
=He went to Tokyo, and there he stayed for a week.
I went to the library, where I happened to meet her.
=I went to the library, and there I happened to meet her.
9.8 関係副詞節が後置されることがある [堅]
The time will come when he will regret it. ※ The time~when…が頻繁に出てくる
Three reasons were given as to why they were against it.