1. 関係代名詞の主格・目的格
1.1 主格
1.1.1 主格 who
1.1.2 主格 which
1.2 目的格
1.2.1 目的格 whom* (*インフォーマルな会話ではwhomの代わりにwhoを使用する場合が多い)
1.2.2 目的格 which
1.4 鎖関係代名詞節 = 関係代名詞+挿入節
Introduction 関係詞(関係詞と先行詞)
1 形容詞と形容詞句と形容詞節
・日本語 かわいい 花
└ → ┘
英語 a pretty flower : prettyは形容詞
└ → ┘
・日本語 机の上の 本
└ → ┘
英語 books on the desk : on the deskは形容詞句
└ ← ┘
・日本語 めがねをかけている 女性
└ → ┘
英語 a lady who is wearing glasses : who is wearing glassesは形容詞節
└ ← ┘
2 日本語と英語の形容詞節の違い
・日本語 文(形容詞節)→ 名詞
・英語 名詞(先行詞)← 文(形容詞節)
3 関係代名詞の働き
① 名詞と節を結びつける接続詞の働き
② 主節中の名詞(先行詞)を代表する代名詞の働き
She is a young girl, and she showed me the way to the station.
接続詞+代名詞 彼女は私に駅へ行く道を教えてくれた少女です。
She is a young girl, who showed me the way to the station.
上文中のwhoが関係代名詞で、それはまず代名詞として前のgirlを受けてshowedの主語に なり、次に who showed me the way to the station の節を導いて、先のgirl に結びつける接続詞の役割を果たしている。
4 形容詞節を形容詞句に変える
4.1 分詞にかえる
The novel which was written by Soseki is my favorite one.
=The novel written by Soseki is my favorite one.
There are a lot of students who belong to the tennis club.
=There are a lot of students belonging to the tennis club.
4.2 不定詞に変える
I have a lot of work which I have to do today.
=I have a lot of work to do today.
You are happy to have a partner whom you love. あなたは愛するパートナーがいて幸せだ。
=You are happy to have a partner to love. [あなたがpartner を愛する]
You are lucky to have a partner who loves you.
You are lucky to have a partner to love you. [partner があなたを愛する]
4.3 前置詞句に変える
This was a doll which had blue eyes. これは青い目をした人形だった。
=This was a doll with blue eyes.
先行詞 antecedent
・日本語 みんなが好きな → 動物
[形容詞節] [名詞]
・英語 an animal ← which everybody likes
[名詞] [形容詞節]
5 先行詞による関係代名詞の種類
who 先行詞が人 which 先行詞が人以外のもの that あらゆる先行詞
※ここでは関係代名詞の基本に慣れるため、who, which, that のみを扱い、whose, whom 更には what については別の章で学ぶ。
6 先行詞と関係代名詞の位置
the flower which I like best 私が一番好きな → 花
a baby who is sleeping in the cradle ゆりかごで寝ている → 赤ん坊
the flower in the vase which I like best
① 私が一番好きな → 花瓶の中の花
② 私が一番好きな → 花瓶 → の中の花
7 先行詞と関係代名詞の数と人称の一致
I, who am old You, who are young He, who is honest
Those who are lazy A boy who swims Boys who swim
※ [one of + 複数名詞]と[the only one of + 複数名詞]が先行詞の場合
one of the students who come to the party パーティーに来る学生達の → 一人
the only one of the students who comes to the party パーティーに来る → 唯一の一人学生
※ the onlyが先行詞につくと関係代名詞はthatになる傾向が強い。(参照6-1)
8 先行詞と冠詞
This is a book which he is reading at present. これは目下彼が近頃読んでいる本(の一冊)だ。
This is the book which he is reading at present. これは目下彼が近頃読んでいる本だ。
1. 関係詞Ⅰ(関係代名詞の格)
主格 所有格 目的格 用途
who whose whom 人に用いる
which whose which 物・動物に用いる
that なし that 人・動物・物に用いる
「X is Y」のパターンの第2文型の時、意味上X=Yが成立する為に、関係詞節がXとYの0どちらを修飾するかという問題が発生する。その場合原則的に関係詞節は、集合論的に「X⊃Y」の場合はXを、「X⊂Y」の場合はYを、修飾することになる。但しXが代名詞の時には、関係詞節はYを修飾する。
Earth is a planet. 地球は惑星です。
It moves around the sun. それは太陽の周りを回っています。
Earth is a planet. earth
It moves around the sun.
↓ planets
which moves around the sun.
Earth is a planet which moves around the sun. 地球は太陽の周りを回る惑星です。
S V C v
1.1 主格
1.1.1 主格 who
This is the student. + He won the first prize in the speech contest.
This is the student.
He won the first prize in the speech contest.
This is the student who won the first prize in the speech contest.
S V C v
The girl is my sister. + She is reading a book under the tree.
The girl is my sister.
She is reading a book under the tree.
The girl who is reading a book under the tree is my sister.
S v V C
I met a man. + He is a famous pianist.
I met a man.
He is a famous pianist.
I met a man who is a famous pianist.
S V O v
1.1.2 主格 which
This is the book. + It was given to me as a birthday present by my grandmother.
This is the book.
It was given to me as a birthday present by my grandmother.
This is the book which was given to me as a birthday present by my grandmother.
S V C v
The river is the Nile. + It is the longest in the world.
The river is the Nile.
It is the longest in the world.
The river which is the longest in the world is the Nile .
S v V C
I’ll show you the way. + It leads to the hotel.
I’ll show you the way.
It leads to the hotel.
I‘ll show you the way which leads to the hotel.
S V O O v
1.2 目的格
1.2.1 目的格 whom* (*インフォーマルな会話ではwhomの代わりにwhoを使用する場合が多い)
This is the girl. + I met her yesterday.
This is the girl.
I met her yesterday.
whom I met yesterday.
This is the girl whom I met yesterday.
S V C s v
The woman is Mrs. White. + Alice saw her on the street.
The woman is Mrs. White.
Alice saw her on the street.
whom Alice saw on the street
The woman whom Alice saw on the street is Mrs. White.
S s v V C
Shall I call the man? + You have wanted to see him.
Shall I call the man?
You have wanted to see him.
whom you have wanted to see?
Shall I call the man whom you have wanted to see?
S V O s v
※くだけた言い方の場合は、目的格であっても who を用いることが多い。
1.2.2 目的格 which
This is the watch. + I lost it a few days ago.
This is the watch.
I lost it a few days ago.
which I lost a few days ago.
This is the watch which I lost a few days ago.
S V C s v
The animal was a squirrel. + She caught it in the woods.
The animal was a squirrel.
She caught it in the woods.
which she caught in the woods.
The animal which she caught in the woods was a squirrel.
S s v V C
注:「X is Y」のパターンの第2文型の時、意味上X=Yが成立する為に、関係詞節がXとYのどちらを修飾するかという問題が発生する。その場合関係詞節は、集合論的に「X⊃Y」の場合はXを、「X⊂Y」の場合はYを、修飾することになる。ここでは the animal ⊃ squirrel なので、which 以下の関係詞節は、the animal を修飾する。
Shall I lend you the book? + I finished reading it last night.
Shall I lend you the book?
I finished reading it last night.
which I finished reading last night
Shall I lend you the book which I finished reading last night?
S V O O s v
1.3 関係代名詞 that
thatは上記3-1,3-2のwho, whom, which(主格、目的格)全部と置きかえられる。
I know a girl that (who) resembles Judy. 私はジュディに似ている女の子を知っている。
The fish that (which) I caught yesterday was big. 昨日私が捕まえた魚は大きかった。
1.4 鎖関係代名詞節 = 関係代名詞+挿入節
who I think と whom I think の違い
・The man proved to be a stranger. + I thought (that) he was my uncle.
The man proved to be a stranger.
I thought (that) he was my uncle. 私はその人が私の叔父だと思った
who I thought was my uncle
he は that節中の主語なので関係代名詞は主格となる
The man who I thought was my uncle proved to be a stranger.
S s v (v) (c) V C
・The man proved to be a stranger. + I thought him to be my uncle.
The man proved to be a stranger.
I thought him to be my uncle 私はその人が私の叔父だと思った
whom I thought to be my uncle
him はthoughtの目的語なので関係代名詞は目的格となる
The man whom I thought to be my uncle proved to be a stranger.
S s v c V C
The woman who I believed was honest turned out to be a bad person.
The woman whom I believed to be honest turned out to be a bad person.