8. 原級の慣用表現
8.1 as ... as one can/ as ...as possible 「できるだけ~」
8.2 as ... as ever「今までとおなじように…」
8.3 as ... as ever + 動詞の過去形 「かつて~したどんな人(物)にも劣らず…:かつてないほど…」[古い表現]
8.4 not so much A as B 「AというよりはむしろB」
8.5 not so much as +動詞, without so much as A 「~さえしない」
8.6 as many as ..., as much as… 「(数が多いことを強調して)…もの」「(量が多いことを強調して)…もの」= no less than
8.7 as many ... 「同数の…」 前に出てきた数字を表す
8.8 as good as ... 「…も同然」= almost = no better than ~
8.9 may [might] as well~
8.9.1 may (might) as well ~ 「(…しなくてもよいが)~したほうがよい」
8.9.2 may as well ~ as... 「…してよいのなら~してもよい」
8.9.3 might as well ~ as ... 「…するくらいなら~したほうがましだ」
8.10 as~as を使った接続詞
8.10.1 as long as ~ 「~である限りは、~でありさえすれば[条件]」「~の間 = while」
8.10,2 as far as ~「~である限りは[程度]」「~の範囲において[程度]」
8.10.3 A as well as B 「Bと同様Aも」接続詞
8.11 ~as….as Aの特別表現
8.11.1 ~as...as -- 「-と同じく…である」文語
8.11.2 as ~ as ~ can be 「この上なく~」文語
8.12 as~as数詞・時・場所…くらい~な
8.12.1 as early as~ 「~も早くに、早くも~には」
8.12.2 as late/ lately[recently] as~ 「つい~まで、つい~くらい最近に」
8.12.3 as far as 場所 「~までは」
8.12.4 go as/so far as to do sth: [口] 極端なことを行ったり、行ったりすること
8.12.5 as young as 歳 「~の若さで」
8.12.6 as long ago as~ 「~もの昔に」 8.1 as ... as one can/ as ...as possible 「できるだけ~」
Can you send me the money as soon as possible (as soon as you can), please?
※ 主文の述部が過去形のとき、as ... as ~couldになる
8.2 as ... as ever「今までとおなじように…」
He is as punctual as ever. 彼は相変わらず時間に正確だ。
8.3 as ... as ever + 動詞の過去形 「かつて~したどんな人(物)にも劣らず…:かつてないほど…」[古い表現]
He is as great a pianist as ever lived. 彼は今までに類を見ないほど偉大なピアニストである。
8.4 not so much A as B 「AというよりはむしろB」
not A so much as B= B rather than A
He is not a journalist so much as a writer. 彼はジャーナリストというよりむしろ作家だ。
He is not so much a journalist as a writer.
= He is a writer rather than a journalist. (参照3-19-3)
= He is less (of) a journalist than a writer. (参照2-4)
= He is more (of) a writer than a journalist. (参照2-3)
8.5 not so much as +動詞, without so much as A 「~さえしない」
He didn’t so much as have his bus fare home. 彼は家まで帰るバス料金すら持っていなかった。
He left away without so much as saying good-by to me.彼は私にさよならさえ言わないで去ってしまった。
8.6 as many as ..., as much as… 「(数が多いことを強調して)…もの」「(量が多いことを強調して)…もの」= no less than
As many as 30 persons were killed in the accident. 30人もの人がその事故で死んだ。
The government spent as much as one billion yen on the war. 政府は10億円もその戦争に使った。
8.7 as many ... 「同数の…」 前に出てきた数字を表す
I waited for fifteen minutes --- they seemed as many hours.
cf. as much I thought as much, 予想していた通りだ。
8.8 as good as ... 「…も同然」= almost = no better than ~
We’re as good as ruined. 私たちは破滅したも同然だ。
※be as good as one’s word 「約束に忠実である、信頼できる」
8.9 may [might] as well~
8.9.1 may (might) as well ~ 「(…しなくてもよいが)~したほうがよい」
You may as well go home at once. すぐに家に帰ったほうがよい。
8.9.2 may(might) as well ~ as... 「…してよいのなら~してもよい」
You may as well call a cat a little tiger as call a tiger a big cat.
8.9.3 might as well ~ as ... 「…するくらいなら~したほうがましだ」
I might as well drown as starve. 飢え死にするくらいなら溺れ死にしたほうがましだ。
※ <may as well ~as...>と<might as well ~as...>
8.10 as~as を使った接続詞
8.10.1 as long as ~ 「~である限りは、~でありさえすれば[条件]」「~の間 = while」
You may stay here as long as you keep quiet. おとなしくいるならここにいてもよいよ。
8.10,2 as far as ~「~である限りは[程度]」「~の範囲において[程度]」
As far as I know, he will be away for three months.
As far as I am concerned, I don’t like him. 私に関するかぎり、私は彼を嫌いです。
As far as my eyes reached, there was nothing but desert. 目の届く限り、砂漠しかなかった。
※go as[so] far as to do ~しさえする
She went as[so] far as to call him a liar. 彼女は彼をうそつきとまで言った。
8.10.3 A as well as B 「Bと同様Aも」接続詞
She can dance as well as she can sing. 彼女は歌えるし、踊れる。
cf. She can dance as well as I. (wellは副詞) 彼女は私と同じ位上手に踊れる。
8.11 ~as….as Aの特別表現
8.11.1 ~as...as -- 「-と同じく…である」文語
Sarah is as clever as she is beautiful. サラは美少女でもあるし、利口でもある。
8.11.2 as ~ as ~ can be 「この上なく~」文語
He is as kind as kind can be. 彼はこの上なく親切である。
8.12 as~as数詞・時・場所…くらい~な
8.12.1 as early as~ 「~も早くに、早くも~には」
They had probably developed an atomic weapon as early as 1968.
as early as the reign of King William Ⅰ
8.12.2 as late/ lately[recently] as~ 「つい~まで、つい~くらい最近に」
As late as last week, he was up and doing. つい先週まで彼は多いに活躍した。
He died as lately as last Sunday. 彼はついこの前の日曜日に死んだ。
I called on him as lately as yesterday. 私はつい昨日彼を訪れたばかりだ。
8.12.3 as far as 場所 「~までは」
We went together as far as Kyoto. 我々は京都までは、一緒に行った。
8.12.4 go as/so far as to do sth: [口] 極端なことを行ったり、行ったりすること
The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.
8.12.5 as young as 歳 「~の若さで」
In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals.
8.12.6 as long ago as~ 「~もの昔に」
As long ago as the fifth century B.C. gold and silver coins bearing inscriptions were minted from bronze dyes.